Tuesday, February 23, 2010

AMU decision on the expulsion of Professor , S.R. Siras

This is in response to the recent justification given by the V.C of AMU on his decision to expel Professor, S.R. Siras stating that "AMU is an institution of international repute and its students go out with character. Homosexuality is not good for them and so such act could not be allowed".

Very assertive indeed, however i have a few reservations on the statement quoted above. What does the word good signify? and what possible relation is there between good and not good, with homosexuality? Homosexuality is considered to be inherently present in one’s personal characteristic. It's not a disease, it's not somebody's choice. What the V.C has totally forgotten is that Every person has a right to life and personal liberty which also guarantees the right to privacy. Private, consensual sexual relations lie at the heart of the privacy- zone protected by the right to liberty. Homosexuality is not of foreign origin or a recent aberration. It has been prevalent in India and other countries since time immemorial. I think the Professor should visit the Hindu Temples of Khajuraho, and Konark and the great Buddhist monument at Borobudur in Indonesia. All of them are abundant with such scriptures of Homosexual activities. In various ancient books and the autobiography of Emperer Babur is quite clear on his indifferent love for his wife and his preference for a lad. Cumming to more recent events, the Delhi High Court recently Struck down the law on Homosexuality on grounds that it violates the right to privacy and equality. Morality can never take precedence over the constitutional rights of the citizens. Further a lot of questions seems to be left unanswered. What sort of conduct is actually immoral? and What sort of actions may justifiably be punished? Prof Hart also advocated the fact that "no evidence is produced to show that deviation from accepted sexual morality, even by adults in private, is something which, like treason, threatens the existence of society." On what basis was this decision made? In fact if somebody needs to be expelled; it is those students who installed a camera at the Professor's residence. Wasn't that a disreputable act?

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